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Land Development Code of McKinney, Texas

The McKinney Land Development Code is a comprehensive set of regulations governing the development, use, and alteration of land in the city of McKinney, Texas. The code is divided into five sections: General Provision, Zoning Regulations, Site Planning and Architectural Control, Building Standards and Regulations, and Fire Prevention and Protection. The code also includes provisions for environmental review and archaeological resources protection. The McKinney Land Development Code is a comprehensive set of regulations governing the development, use, and alteration of land in the city of McKinney, Texas.

General Provisions: This code shall be known and may be cited as the McKinney Land Development Code. The following words and phrases and their derivatives shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this code: ” City.” McKinney, Texas. “Code Official.” The municipal planning commission or its designee.

Chapter 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS | Code of Ordinances | McKinney, TX | Municode Library

Zoning Regulations: The city of McKinney shall have the power to regulate and control the construction, use, maintenance and alteration of all buildings, structures, fixtures and appurtenances located within the city. Such regulation shall be in accordance with this code.

Mini TOC: Chapter 146 – ZONING REGULATIONS | Code of Ordinances | McKinney, TX | Municode Library

Site Planning and Architectural Control: No building or structure shall be erected, altered, improved or maintained within the city unless it is designed in accordance with the provisions of this code and unless it complies with all other applicable laws.

Mini TOC: Chapter 130 – LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS | Code of Ordinances | McKinney, TX | Municode Library

Building Standards and Regulations: The building, structure and site of every building and structure to be located within the city shall conform to the provisions of this code. Architectural Control The design, construction, materials and equipment of all buildings and structures to be located within the city shall conform to the requirements of this code.

Chapter 122 – CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS | Code of Ordinances | McKinney, TX | Municode Library

Fire Prevention and Protection: The fire and life safety functions of buildings and structures shall be designed to minimize the risk of loss of life, injury and damage to property. Fire protection systems shall be designed for the current design occupancy for which they are intended. All buildings and structures shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in such a manner as to minimize the risk of fire, explosion or other hazardous condition. Buildings and structures shall be protected from the effects of fire by means of fire separations or adequate exterior walls.

Chapter 42 – FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION | Code of Ordinances | McKinney, TX | Municode Library

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