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How Inflow and Infiltration Impacts Your Collection System and Wastewater Treatment Plant | EP 11

MODERN ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS > BLOG > PODCAST >  How Inflow and Infiltration Impacts Your Collection System and WWTP | EP 11

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Do you find the words Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) making you scratch your head?

Have you been pondering about its potential impact on your community’s Sewer Collection System and Wastewater Treatment Plant? Then you won’t want to miss our upcoming live episode of “Engineers for Communities.”

Together, we will explore how I&I influence your system, why it matters, and how to address it effectively. We will shed light on critical topics, including:

– An easy-to-understand explanation of I&I and its origins. 
– Reasons why I&I should be on your radar and its impacts on your community. 
– A quick guide to quantify I&I and assess its implications. 
– A comprehensive review of each testing method, helping you understand their unique strengths and purposes. 
– A detailed guide on how to integrate these insights into your master plan, including the exploration of funding opportunities and line priorities.

This episode is not just about understanding I&I. It’s about taking that knowledge and using it to enhance your community’s quality of life.

This week’s episode will be a fun conversation filled with practical and unique insights.

Don’t miss the Engineers for Communities Live Show this Thursday at 12:00 PM MT.

#podcast #wastewatertreatmentplant