Modern Engineering Solutions

Denver Site Development Review Process

Developers in Denver must forego a plan review process to obtain approval to move forward with development and construction. Below is a list of the steps necessary to obtain approval with the City of Denver, Colorado.

1. Propose Your Plan

This includes a submittal checklist which can be found here.

2. Once the checklist is approved, submit a formal Site Development Plan (SDP).

This includes an SDP checklist, Green Building Declaration Form, and paying the SDP fees. You will also be assigned a Denver City project coordinator.

3. Once all comments have been reviewed and addressed, the project coordinator will submit signatures for final approval.

Depending on the project, some agencies might need to provide additional signatures:

  • Transportation Engineering Plan (TEP)

  • Storm and Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans

  • Right-of-Way Dedications

  • Street or Alley Vacations

  • Declaration or relinquishment of easements

  • Other project-specific documents as determined by city reviewers

For more detailed information, please visit the Denver Development Services website.

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