Wastewater Engineering: Sludge Reduction, Grit Removal & Cost-Saving Dryers | WEFTEC SERIES | EP5
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In this informative episode, learn about:
★ How solar dryer systems transform sludge drying in sunny climates and what environmental and the efficiency benefits it offers
★ How focusing on sludge minimization over wastewater biology can significantly reduce transport costs.
★ How the strain press efficiently removes fibers and plastics from sludge, ensuring cleaner, more manageable waste for disposal.
★ The cost savings achieved by converting sludge into reusable products, reducing landfill and transportation expenses.
★ Grit removal technology, capable of handling finer particles (down to 75 microns) compared to traditional systems (around 300 microns).
★ A belt thermal dryer capable of achieving up to 90% dry solids in sludge, turning it into a product viable for use as fertilizer.
Join us on Engineers for Communities episode with our guest Simon Randle from HUBER Technology US & CA, as we dive deep into Sludge Reduction, Grit Removal & Cost-Saving Dryers and much more!