Building A Greener Colorado Event News

How this developer is cleaning up Colorado for you When you hear the phrase “developer” you think of money grubbing and self-interested, BUT redT Homes, a Denver Based Residential Real Estate Development Company, is changing that definition fast. This is why I’ve asked Nathan Adams, Owner and CEO of RedT_Homes, to join us. redT’s mission of “BUILDING A GREENER COLORADO” is giving the people of the greater Denver area what they want, cleaner, healthy, attainably priced homes. redT is the first homebuilder west of the Mississippi to develop new construction homes to the rigorous USGBC standards to meet LEED Zero Certification Nathan will highlight the following topics that are guaranteed to be beneficial to everyone: Where did “Building a Greener Colorado” start? What is LEED certification and how do we hit LEED Zero? Why are projects taking so long to get approved and what can we do to change that? Update on the Denver Housing Crisis Will redT stop at only building a greener Colorado? Tomorrow’s episode will be a fun conversation filled with practical and unique insights. Don’t miss the Engineers for Communities Live Show this Thursday at 12:00 PM MT, where you can participate live and benefit from Nathan’s insights!