Modern Engineering Solutions

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If you are a developer/property owner in a construction project, you must arrange for adequate storm and sanitary sewer services to the development site. The developer (property owner) will need to contact the appropriate wastewater engineer.

The City and County of Denver’s Wastewater Engineering Department has final say over any new major development and redevelopment in the county. This includes development requiring a permit that results in the discharge of stormwater or wastewater, such as those resulting from the following:  

  • Sites and development of one-half acre or more  
  • Sanitary sewer lines 
  • Storm lines 
  • Drainage channels 
  • Water quality facilities 

The Wastewater Engineering and Permitting Division provides services to meet Denver’s current and future needs for safe and effective wastewater collection, transport and treatment. Applications for construction permits are processed as either minor construction or major construction through the combined efforts of Development Services and Denver Department of Transportation

Construction Activities Stormwater Discharge Permit (CASDP)  

A Construction Activities Stormwater Discharge Permit (CASDP) is required for any project that meets the criteria listed below, or at the discretion of the DS Engineer. Stormwater Management Plans are required for development activities that include the disturbance of one acre or more; site development or redevelopment that is part of a larger plan; site development or redevelopment which has significant potential for erosion; or construction activities on soils contaminated by hazardous pollutants.  

The Construction Plan and Drainage Report or the Sanitary Sewer Study are required at the discretion of the Development Services engineer. This study must be done by a licensed professional engineer like Michael Groselle, P.E. from Modern Engineering Solutions, who will prepare a site plan to show the extent of work proposed; existing topographical contours, grades, and drainageways; proposed grades and profiles for roads, channels, and foundations; locations of existing drains and manholes; plans for structures (if any); proposed treatment facilities; proposed landscaping features such as curbs, sidewalks, fences (if any), etc…

This guide helps the design professional consider and incorporate aesthetic elements at the earliest stages of designing a stormwater detention pond when an above-ground facility is chosen as a method to control stormwater runoff. It provides a process review, design considerations and tools to assist professionals in meeting their clients’ aesthetic needs while achieving technical requirements. 

Step 1:

Requirements for Submittal  

Storm Drainage Submittal and Sanitary Sewer Requirements 

NOTE: Developments and Projects over 1 acre (both residential AND commercial) will also require a Construction Activities Stormwater Discharge Permit (CASDP) 

Step 2: 

Sewer Use and Drainage Permits (SUDP – Wastewater) 

See the Sewer Use and Drainage Permit page for complete information on Wastewater SUDP permits. 

Step 3: 

Standards and Details 

The following technical documents can be downloaded from the Department of Transportation & Infrastructure, Right of Way Services, Technical Documents page. Manuals and Regulations or Department of Transportation & Infrastructure Document Center. 

  • Sanitary design and technical criteria manual  
  • Sanitary sewer master plan 
  • Storm drainage design and technical criteria manual  
  • Storm drainage master plan 
  • Wastewater detail and technical specifications  
  • Wastewater standard detail drawings 

Step 4: 

Standard Fees 

For information on DOTI standard fees, see Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) /SUDP under Building and Land Development Fees. 
