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Types of Zoning Classifications

Zoning can be classified by its purpose. There are five typical types of zoning: residential, commercial, industrial, mixed-use, and special districts. Residential zoning is designed for single family homes and small businesses. Commercial zoning is for larger businesses such as malls and factories. Industrial zoning is for manufacturing plants and warehouses. Mixed-use zones allow for commercial and residential buildings to be close together in order to create a more livable community. Special districts are created in order to provide specific services or amenities such as schools or parks.

Residential zoning is the most common type of zoning. Residential zones allow single family homes and small businesses to be located in residential areas, allowing for a more intimate living environment. Commercial zoning is usually intended for larger businesses such as malls, factories, and warehouses. Zoning is a complex topic, and there are many different factors that can affect the development of a zoning ordinance.

How to Use Building Types in Zoning

When zoning an area, it is important to consider the different types of buildings that will be present. This can help in creating a zoning ordinance that is specific to the needs of the community while still allowing for some flexibility. Here are some tips on how to use building types in zoning:

  • First and foremost, always consider the intended use of the land. For example, a retail zone designed for stores and shopping centers would not be suitable for a residential zone designed for families with children.
  • Next, look at the overall size and shape of the building. This can help the zoning department determine what type of building will be appropriate for a site.
  • Consider the surrounding area. This will help determine whether or not a building is appropriate for a site. For example, if there are large trees in the area that would provide shade to a building, the zoning board may require that the size of the structure be reduced.
  • Lastly, take into consideration the existing buildings in the area. This will help determine how a proposed structure should be designed. For example, if an area is already heavily populated by similar structures, it could be that a new building would need to blend itself into the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zoning?

Zoning refers to the regulation of land use and development. Zoning is a process through which communities decide what types of buildings and land uses are appropriate for the community.

What is a zoning ordinance?

A zoning ordinance is a set of rules and regulations that govern land use in a particular area.

What is a zoning map?

A zoning map is a type of zoning ordinance that shows the specific areas that are zoned for particular land uses. A zoning map can be drawn to show the entire city, or it can be drawn to show an individual neighborhood. These zoning maps are commonly referred to as zoning sheets.

What are the components of a zoning map?

Zoning maps are drawn with a grid system, similar to a map of the United States. The top of each box is labeled with a letter or number corresponding to the zoning level. The boxes are then numbered consecutively in order of the numbered zones that are included in that particular box. The left and right sides of each box is labeled with a letter corresponding to the specific zoning level being designated. For example, the first box might read “R-1”, which would mean that the first zoning level is R-1.

Why are zoning maps important?

Zoning maps are important because they indicate the types of buildings that will be allowed in a particular area. If you are planning to build a building, it is important to know whether it will be allowed in your area or not. If you don’t know the zoning for your neighborhood, it is difficult to know whether or not your proposed building will be permitted in your area.

If you are interested in zoning or want to learn more about it, feel free to contact us today!
